I couldn't find the English translation online i was looking for while finding this gem amongst my father's books, i couldn't even find out who the original translator was... so i decided i would type it out.
Its from The Penguin Book of French Version 3 (1957) Edited by Anthony Hartley
Gérard de Nerval - Une allée du Luxembourg
Original French:
Elle a passé, la jeune fille
Vive et preste comme un oiseau:
À la main une fleur qui brille,
À la bouche un refrain nouveau.
C'est peut-être la seule au monde
Dont le coeur au mien répondrait,
Qui venant dans ma nuit profonde
D'un seul regard l'éclairerait!
Mais non, - ma jeunesse est finie...
Adieu, doux rayon qui m'as lui, -
Parfum, jeune fille, harmonie...
Le bonheur passait, - il a fui!
English Translation:
The young girl passed by
as lively and quick as a bird:
in her hand a shining flower,
in her mouth a new song.
She is, perhaps, the only one in the world
whose heart would answer mine,
who, coming into my deep night,
would light it up with a single glance.
But no, - my youth is over...
Farewell, sweet beam that shone on me, -
perfume, young girl, melody...
Happiness passed by, - it has fled!
Its from The Penguin Book of French Version 3 (1957) Edited by Anthony Hartley
Gérard de Nerval - Une allée du Luxembourg
Original French:
Elle a passé, la jeune fille
Vive et preste comme un oiseau:
À la main une fleur qui brille,
À la bouche un refrain nouveau.
C'est peut-être la seule au monde
Dont le coeur au mien répondrait,
Qui venant dans ma nuit profonde
D'un seul regard l'éclairerait!
Mais non, - ma jeunesse est finie...
Adieu, doux rayon qui m'as lui, -
Parfum, jeune fille, harmonie...
Le bonheur passait, - il a fui!
English Translation:
The young girl passed by
as lively and quick as a bird:
in her hand a shining flower,
in her mouth a new song.
She is, perhaps, the only one in the world
whose heart would answer mine,
who, coming into my deep night,
would light it up with a single glance.
But no, - my youth is over...
Farewell, sweet beam that shone on me, -
perfume, young girl, melody...
Happiness passed by, - it has fled!