in an interesting turn of events i will be going to boston today, hopefully i will also be able to meet up with some friends.
ON a hilarious side note, the guy who works at the deli i go to all the time, was a former male model for ford models and has been in a number of dolce and gabbana ads and fashion shows.... Now you probably are like, are you kidding me...but then you might take a closer look at many of the dolce models and that they typically aren'y your classical beauty type characters. Don't get me wrong i completely thought it was bullshit until i saw all of the ads and his portfolio... Its bizarre because we alwasy talked about europe and he'd give me some strange account. It all lead from me asking him waht he did, and he just said i was a international model for dolce, my gut reaction was me too, i love making shit up all the time.
Upon seeing the portfolio and being in complete shock, my first question was, did you ever do coke with Kate Moss, to which the answer was "NO, but i did tell her off at a show in Paris." Now this is still difficult to imagine as this guy works at a Deli in providence, RI making breakfast sandwiches and getting coffee. Either way i'm still very intriqued, as i see this guy everyday i will continue to ask questions, I tried finding some of his ads online to no luck, if i do find one i will post it... its so bizarre who you meet sometimes. He said he did have some connects still at ford models and his representation in london and paris, so if i knew any cute girls i should point him there way. Either way i was like bro, where is all your clothes you got from dolce, to which he explained how his crotian roomate stole all of his wardrobe including a hand tailored valentino suit before he dropped out of that world. The worst part of the story is that he stopped because he had a son, whom he hasn't seen in 3 years who's now turning 9. The guy is 29, he looks like he's 24, apparently he lived like a rockstar for 3 years, from 22-25....
what a fucking movie!!!
his name is casey.
i have people who can corroborate every detail in this story, so as much as you are thinking i'm full of shit, i will eat you for breakfast on this one.