I need to get a J-O-B...... my job here sucks, well not entirely, i just am depressed cause there is no one to hang out with, i have to go to Boston, NYC, or CT to have fun, not to shit on korey or bob, who are my buddies here, its not like they're going to find this blog..ha
The future looks promising, i did a nice craigslist search for "business analyst" and "junior professional" comes up with a lot of stupid jobs, but they are stupid jobs in NYC,Chitown, Boston and San Fran. Yea to real cities.
I've been contemplating my future/career and am wondering what the fuck makes sense. There are many routes to success, here are the factors, there are a shitload of guys at McKinsey, BCG, etc who make like 500k - 2 mil. a year, i mean thats when your 50, to do that it requires, the corportate ladder climb and bullshit. The thing is its nearlly guaranteed if you work hard. the other route is being an entrepreneur, this is the whole risk/return issue, if you make it, you can make it huge and be 30 with 30 million, but if you fail...well then you go to B school, and join the McKinsey assholes, only thing, you've behind by a couple years, not that it really matters. One thing that is affecting my choices is that i can't stand being a clone. There are million stupid assholes who do the Mckinsey type route, like investment bankers.... many are complete idiots. Its a beaten path. If i recall correctly, my goal in college was to never have a boss, which is only possible to be done via being an entrepreneur.
Case closed: B-school is for losers without dreams, i'm not hating, i'm just saying. I'd rather go down in burning glory and end up in B-School than just be a corporate drone and wonder what could have been.
i came to one big realization yesterday, which is basically that reading makes me happy. As stupid as that sounds, its true, spending time on a computer can be considered reading, but not like a book. Either way i guess what i'm saying is that i need to read more than i have been.
In other news, i really hate where i am, why? its Providence, a lil shit town, and i live by Brown University...these hypocrites, not only are they elitests, they think they are so fucking liberal....maybe thats why you have to be a brown student to get in their library...elitest bastards. Way to give back to the community, you get 130k from each student and you can't let the poor kids down the street read a book in your library. They are so elite that they are too good for downtown, they created Thayer Street, which is its own bizarre world. You see, hairy armpitted tree hugger stoner types sitting on the corner, trust fund babies wearing fendi and driving around in range rovers, a black kid who hacky sacks....wtf are you serious, when's the last time any self-respecting black person was hacky sacking...fuckin oreo, hey i'm an asshole, but i'm called whitewashed all the fucking time..so FUCK YOU for judging me.
So many hopkin's kids have an inferiority complex for not getting into the IVY of their choice. This complex can translate into a few things, primarily 1)working super hard to destroy the competition or 2)be a lazy piece of shit....you can guess which one i chose, although i'm not heart broken about not getting into Columbia(hopkins had a better engineering program)
The one thing i will say about hopkins is that it beat the living hell outta me, academically wise. I mean these kids at Brown don't have to uncover grades, they can drop classes it won't show on their record, basically stuff you could never get away with at other top schools. i'm willing to bet about half of my first born that if you dropped a group of average students from Brown and put them into hopkins they'd start to get shitted on, and if you did the same for hopkins kids and put 'em in Brown they'd shine. Brown kids are smart, there is definitely genius around here, i'm not denying that, but i guess thru deduction it would say competition at Hopkins is ridiculous and thus forces you closer to our potential.
anyways enough of my banter...back to the sounds of james holden and the wonderful world of middleware within high peformance computing system for large discrete simulations. <- only useful for a couple things computational biology/bioinformatics and oil,gas, and petroleum exploration...
my new motto:
~yo i'm from UP, we rob people for fun~
UP=uttar pradesh, backwards ass state in India where my family is from