~ Style fresh, like I'm still a day old, And it's been like that since the day yo ~ mos
definitely my motto of today
the salutation from an email from my father:
"Dear Young and Naive son, best of luck!"
gotta love that guy, tis true tho...
On a side note, i've made some head way with Project NativeIndian... i hope to god it works, also i've been getting hit by the kyrptonite...goddamn, i'm such a bitch...
interesting enough, www.vinaythakur.com is doing well, learned some nifty little tricks for flash, my goal is just to get the buttons working in a functional manner. get some minor animations to work well.
on a side note i did a lot of fake work yesterday, aka looking up stuff.... SquidLAbs got some more publicity! w00t i hope i can grab a job there
interestingly enough providence is a shitty little town, all the Brown people i talk to love it... ME well i just think its garbage, maybe cause i don't know anyone here other than headz from CT.
time to get back to my cube monkey status