

So i'm finally working on a real project....which is set up to fail. The business plan is great, something i can throw down on my resume for doing, the technology is however too early stage and there are a 1000 competitors with the same product, perhaps mine has better results, but if no one cares whats the use.

Its the age old scientist who created the new garbage bag which can never be torn...its great, people love it, oh it costs 20 bucks a bag....well i guess there may be some military people interested....but, oh fuck it...its garbage, come up with something better.

its easy to stand on the sidelines and laugh at someone else's invention....but hey thats my job

On a side note, the website is slowly slowly improving. Adding a little bit of content. Still working on developing my flash skills a little bit more. Maybe a nice little intro or something

Planning on going to NYC this weekend, should be great fun.