
i'm goin goin back back to NYC

yo this was a fun stunt, but once again i've hit the threshold of sanity... i like this city and these people, they're great. but i guess like my life i gravitate towards garbage.

So...what this means, is i really don't give a fuck about anything. I live from one chemical intoxication from another. LOL which means that tonite, decimal scale is slowly moving towards binary. i gotta give props to my boy Ram for that one, no beer goggles, you just go from decimal to binary.

0 or 1 its pretty simple. In other hilarity i got wasted well not really wasted but enough drinks with my co-workers that i was dying laughing, lol, the points system. Dude i wish i grew up in Holland, some hilarious stories.

If i got choose a coast, i gotta choose the EAST, cause i live out there! SO DON'T GO THERE!

the truth is i am a bad person. These people don't seem to realize that. Its too bad,

They say choose life, i say fuck making a choice.