
project NativeIndianS

the first launch of www.vinaythakur.com has happened!!! check it out, its still far from being done the only part partially completed is the menu system.... it will be updated don't you worry.

In other neus, my GuD eyedea is being put into effect... I talked with my long time partner in crime la femme, and we're moving forward with it. The goal is by the end of the week is to have the questions we want to ask be completed. This will undoubtedly be the hardest part of the job at first, later on will be getting the various demographics we want and finally aggregating the data as to notice interesting trends.

As you know my background isn't in psychology, but i feel its a fairly logical science, being a person i imagine i will be able to extrapolate the important aspects.

like ol dirty said.... I LIKE IT RAW

thats the goal of project NativeIndianS

this is going to be fabulous