Its friday, and i'm loving it. Can't wait to relax, party a bit and play some cards. In a odd account i actually ditched my boyz last night for a random party, which was pretty horrible in the beginning. Best conversation of the night: K is actually a sophomore @ Brown
K:what year are you?
V: i actually work in providence, i graduated last year
K: oh really which high school, i have a friend from around here.
V: haha...Actually Hall High, right down Thayer, i turned down my scholarship to Harvard to kick start my career as a magician..
V: nah i'm playin, let me correct myself i graduated from Hopkins last year
Alright its not that funny, but it was 6 drinks down. Either way its good to know that young babies are still within my playing field. K skies, which is a start. Either way i'm movin to Cali haha
we'll see what happens.
Pic from my bday in NYC this year.