california tommorrow, moving out also
it is the winter of your discontent.
why can't i go out and play in the snow? you are prolly too mature to be reading this.
yellow ice is the best.
snoop dogg
cingular sucks the left testicle
which beautiful baby am i picking this weekend?
all your names end in an A
kabhi kabhi mere dil me khayal atha hai!!!
5:28, t minus 7 minutes until freedom
friday bloody friday
the 23 blues, its an inbetween year, too old for the college scene, too young for the yuppie scene. Its all good tho, i ain't complaining....er i guess i am.
drink spite.
currently digging - shalimar the clown
currently blasting- apache indian - pyaar pyaar
hit u up in the weekendizzle
brand new day
To due lyzst
- pack and move out of my apartment
- figure out real estate issues in India
- go to mos def and talib kweli concert
- get a job in california
Life has been okay, i have been just depressed, perhaps it is the weather or maybe just providence. Either way its not an excuse for being a lazy bastard.
i need direction.
i need to go to the gym.
i need to exercise my mind.
i need to read.
i need to just..
california dreamin
my luck has run dry everything is falling apart.
so i gotta get away from here
1000 words
yes...i am saying i am better than you
sunday mornings
back to teh grind, gotta do laundry, eat some delicious indian food and watch some football.
I want to move to NYC, i'm just a broke bastard and i don't have a job in the city.
more info when i get a chance, i actually have mad work to do!!
i have no idea what i'm doing this weekend, i should be going to nyc to see my cousins movie premiere. Also should chill with people in the city. Will find out today the real status of california, which i am eager to finally hear.
In a interesting twist my new co-worker is the man. Well i mean he's a really cool guy then after much pestering he told me how how he dated amitab bachan's daughter in college!!! like he chilled with abhishek and a few others. This is not the most amazing thing, yet still better than most. Either way its a cool story.
in a twist of fate.
i'm moving back downstairs.
Its friday, and i'm loving it. Can't wait to relax, party a bit and play some cards. In a odd account i actually ditched my boyz last night for a random party, which was pretty horrible in the beginning. Best conversation of the night: K is actually a sophomore @ Brown
K:what year are you?
V: i actually work in providence, i graduated last year
K: oh really which high school, i have a friend from around here.
V: haha...Actually Hall High, right down Thayer, i turned down my scholarship to Harvard to kick start my career as a magician..
V: nah i'm playin, let me correct myself i graduated from Hopkins last year
Alright its not that funny, but it was 6 drinks down. Either way its good to know that young babies are still within my playing field. K skies, which is a start. Either way i'm movin to Cali haha
we'll see what happens.
Pic from my bday in NYC this year.

chicken parmigiana
i can almost feel the golden sunrays on my skin now.
ahhh back to work
so far from friday
"We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones."
- Francois de La Rouchefoucauld
So true. I think i may have used this quote already...man i got work it really sucks, i really hate this weather, its so dreary outside and all i want to do is go to bed and watch a bollywood movie.
Fat bEAts
sean paul - we be burning
young jeezy ft akon - soul survivor
juelz santana - mic check
i love the Juelz song the most i think, the beats are great!
The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated.
- Oscar Wilde
end of the week
i never want to leave!
i need to stop wasting time on the internet, and start working out.
black, the color of my true love's hair.
i was gone for a minute, now i'm back.
I don't hate players, I don't love the game
I'm the shot clock, way above the game
To be point blank with you motherfuck the game
I got all this work on me, I ain't come for play
You can show the little shorties how you pump and fake
But dog, Not to def, I'm not impressed
I'm not amused, I'm not confused, I'm not to dude
I'm grown man business, and I am not in school
Put your hand down youngin' this is not for you
i wanna go snowboarding
that concludes this weeks random garble
almost thursday
"Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else."So true.
- James Barrie
my anticipation is climaxing, also saddening in the sense i will be missing some of my close buds, korey and bob-oh. The move is needed however.

palo alto
The Promised Land
As a east coast breed individual i will always be forced to rep my coast, however california is absolutely amazing. I mean the weather is fabulous, the women are beautiful, and people are more friendly. Everything just seems more fun. Regardless everything seemed great, i'm like 99.9999995% everything will work out, just have to make sure it all happens soon enough. I'm absolutely loving the place, i have friends in the area and can't wait to move out there. On a side note, i will be sad to leave my current place as i have grown a weird bond with providence despite me complaining about how terrible it is. Either way no jumping to conclusions as I need to have paper in my hands saying CONTRACT.
peace out homies, you'll know when i'm out to the left coast.
I'm goin goin back back to CALI CALI
Parasitic star gazer dancing on a plane of lucidity. The lights scintillating above creates the impression: Is this divine consciousness? She looks down, as flowing strands of vibration encompass her mind and overcome her body. This must be a dream she thinks as she takes the final step.
First piece of fiction i've written since highschool, not good, just not horribly bad. Anyways in interesting news, i opened a online poker account on bodog, its horribly addictive and terrible for me. I watched Ong-Bach:Thai Warrior, not a good plot yet muay thai is brutal. I looked back through my archives yesterday and realized what i initally set this up to be, it has absolutely no direction now... I think i will start doing that again, and stop getting owned by the kryptonite called online poker. Despite the money made, the stress is horrible and there is no ease of mind. if you are reading this you can see how i jump from topic to topic, its like i'm on crack or something. hmmm... i can't wait to head up to the mountains!
Sepia Mutiny
Indo-american princesses and their beds
How to pick up desi chix for dummies.
The Brown Game: Penetrating the south asian scene
ABCD Man's guide to not being a retard
how to find a girl to bring home to matha ji
how to get laid by a bharat nathyam queen
What can brown skin do for you?
What can foreskin do for you !!! HAHAHA sorry jewish south asians this excludes you
those are all terrible, but it sure beats thinking about work stuff. besides its almost 3:15. Either way perhaps these people up in boston will be interested in workin on this gig... its a good change up.
In other news check this straight from an email:
Overall, my hope is to have you exposed to many things and let you learn onTHANK YOU GOD FOR GIVING ME DIRECTION!!!! actually thanks ramesh
your own - your goal will be to want to learn, put in the long hours to
learn, and really come up to speed on what all we are doing. Then you can
also be a key helper in many areas, which increase your value as well as
your knowledge base.
This is an ideal opportunity to really sink in your teeth and put the effort
to get ahead and be valuable. This is what I would recommend highly for
anyone coming into the valley - a startup is where you can have an
opportunity to do so many things and learn so quickly. You have to keep a
"cool" head and never get frustrated.
Really gotta do work now, peace all
When it rains
Nothing better
how did i get shat on this one, i do not know, well i do, except i don't want to accept it. In a half delusional sense tho i can't really complain for the fact that today still counts as a day of work, i mean i'm getting paid for sitting at a computer. NoW, what is much more important is that i get my haircut and am I am prepared for this coming weekend.
well i'm going to go kick something really hard.
Well today was fantastic fun, i haven't done a damn thing. I am currently in the process of figuring out what i will do this weekend, right now i'm thinking of having a good time. My boy is prolly comin up this weekend, should be interesting.
BAH, ive been workin off this very slight hangover all morning.
can this day end already??!?!?
sorry i have nothing to say except i wanna go to sleep
Another bleak day [cont]
I came up with a great idea for when i'm rich, well its to finally answer the age old question:
Silverback Gorilla VS. King Cobra!!!
i got my money riding on the king cobra. Although it comes down to who has the first strike. If i ever make a shitload of money, as horribly wrong as it is i'd go to some 3rd world country without any rules or bribe people and finally end this argument.
speaking of gorillas, i want to see the new KONG movie.
In even more crazy news, get ready to download your newspapers, color e-paper has arrived. Thanks Fujitsu.
peace i gotta get back to job, i'm officialy a disposable lighter repairman...i'm serious i'll give you my card if you want
Another bleak day
1) moved from my normal location in the office to up one floor...goddamn it
2) i've been working for a year at my company, only one not to quit or leave, didn't get a raise... HAHA
3) gotta pay a stupid dentist bill from before going to india cause the fucking dentist people are incompetent
4) the biz plan i'm working on for work SUCKS ASS, its going no where
Good NEWS:
1) a couple of my boys from college live in Palo Alto which is right where i might be working so i'd have some friends in the area
2) finally talked with my uncle for whom i needed help from
3) hanging out with some people
4) Saw Ravi and Anoushka Shankar play some awesome sets @ UConn yesterday, scored her new album
1) get an offer from NI.
2) get an offer from S-LABS.
3) bounce each other around to get more cash
4) come back and submit my 2 weeks
5) plan out a great trip to visit all my headz around the country.
6) be a snowboarding bum all winter
1) i'm still in providence...wait no, i become a contractor and move home and save money and just have a blast until i find a real job.
Anyways thats enough of my rants.
someone just farted outside...probably my boss.
somehow i wish i was kidding
"I am extraordinarily patient, provided I get my own way in the end."
- Margaret Thatcher
On a side note, my boy, whose name is Vinay also (i call him 2.0) is part of a bhangra team, so i think i just may have to watch their team up in boston, which equates to just having a blast in Boston in a week or two, luckily i got some headz to crash with. In other news i chilled with one of "la familia" this past weekend, good times, its been long overdue, she just moved to boston as she's goin to tufts med school. Lots of great stuff going on in the future, can't wait.
mad money
on a side note i will be seeing ravi and anoushka shankar play, this time when i meet them i wont offend anyone.
will i be a niner's fan??
I am hoping that i will be a good fit with either of the companies, preferably the S-labs at it seems to be a much more adventurous group of guys. Like my professor said, big risk equates to big reward...this is my time to shine, helium turns to hydrogen when i shine as Del tha funkee homosapien would say.
What concerns me the most is the amount of bullshit i spew. What i mean is that i've been trying to conquer the world since i was at a young age, i mean from the business/wealth standpoint. like most young kids, these antics tend to diminish with maturity and age, in my case however they have seemed to flourished. I'm not saying i'm angy/worried about it, i'm saying im reaching a turning point which requires me back up all that bullshit. Its do or die, this is the time, the real test, which determines whether or not i am what i claimed i will become for years. I know i can do it, its just doing it which is the bastard of the whole thing.
i have faith, my boy kore has faith, "if anyone can do it, i know you can"
thanks bro, means a lot coming from a brother.
will update you with news once more is discovered or i get something written in paper.
in other news i learned the story of how the guy at my deli who serves me coffee became a dolce and gabbana model...i think i'm going to start working on a small literary piece with him on it.
we'll see where it goes.
thought this was a funny quote, i love the sarcastic irony.
"It is a good thing for an uneducated man to read books of
Saturday morning
ON a hilarious side note, the guy who works at the deli i go to all the time, was a former male model for ford models and has been in a number of dolce and gabbana ads and fashion shows.... Now you probably are like, are you kidding me...but then you might take a closer look at many of the dolce models and that they typically aren'y your classical beauty type characters. Don't get me wrong i completely thought it was bullshit until i saw all of the ads and his portfolio... Its bizarre because we alwasy talked about europe and he'd give me some strange account. It all lead from me asking him waht he did, and he just said i was a international model for dolce, my gut reaction was me too, i love making shit up all the time.
Upon seeing the portfolio and being in complete shock, my first question was, did you ever do coke with Kate Moss, to which the answer was "NO, but i did tell her off at a show in Paris." Now this is still difficult to imagine as this guy works at a Deli in providence, RI making breakfast sandwiches and getting coffee. Either way i'm still very intriqued, as i see this guy everyday i will continue to ask questions, I tried finding some of his ads online to no luck, if i do find one i will post it... its so bizarre who you meet sometimes. He said he did have some connects still at ford models and his representation in london and paris, so if i knew any cute girls i should point him there way. Either way i was like bro, where is all your clothes you got from dolce, to which he explained how his crotian roomate stole all of his wardrobe including a hand tailored valentino suit before he dropped out of that world. The worst part of the story is that he stopped because he had a son, whom he hasn't seen in 3 years who's now turning 9. The guy is 29, he looks like he's 24, apparently he lived like a rockstar for 3 years, from 22-25....
what a fucking movie!!!
his name is casey.
i have people who can corroborate every detail in this story, so as much as you are thinking i'm full of shit, i will eat you for breakfast on this one.
craig the word of the day is J - O - B
The future looks promising, i did a nice craigslist search for "business analyst" and "junior professional" comes up with a lot of stupid jobs, but they are stupid jobs in NYC,Chitown, Boston and San Fran. Yea to real cities.
I've been contemplating my future/career and am wondering what the fuck makes sense. There are many routes to success, here are the factors, there are a shitload of guys at McKinsey, BCG, etc who make like 500k - 2 mil. a year, i mean thats when your 50, to do that it requires, the corportate ladder climb and bullshit. The thing is its nearlly guaranteed if you work hard. the other route is being an entrepreneur, this is the whole risk/return issue, if you make it, you can make it huge and be 30 with 30 million, but if you fail...well then you go to B school, and join the McKinsey assholes, only thing, you've behind by a couple years, not that it really matters. One thing that is affecting my choices is that i can't stand being a clone. There are million stupid assholes who do the Mckinsey type route, like investment bankers.... many are complete idiots. Its a beaten path. If i recall correctly, my goal in college was to never have a boss, which is only possible to be done via being an entrepreneur.
Case closed: B-school is for losers without dreams, i'm not hating, i'm just saying. I'd rather go down in burning glory and end up in B-School than just be a corporate drone and wonder what could have been.
i came to one big realization yesterday, which is basically that reading makes me happy. As stupid as that sounds, its true, spending time on a computer can be considered reading, but not like a book. Either way i guess what i'm saying is that i need to read more than i have been.
In other news, i really hate where i am, why? its Providence, a lil shit town, and i live by Brown University...these hypocrites, not only are they elitests, they think they are so fucking liberal....maybe thats why you have to be a brown student to get in their library...elitest bastards. Way to give back to the community, you get 130k from each student and you can't let the poor kids down the street read a book in your library. They are so elite that they are too good for downtown, they created Thayer Street, which is its own bizarre world. You see, hairy armpitted tree hugger stoner types sitting on the corner, trust fund babies wearing fendi and driving around in range rovers, a black kid who hacky sacks....wtf are you serious, when's the last time any self-respecting black person was hacky sacking...fuckin oreo, hey i'm an asshole, but i'm called whitewashed all the fucking time..so FUCK YOU for judging me.
So many hopkin's kids have an inferiority complex for not getting into the IVY of their choice. This complex can translate into a few things, primarily 1)working super hard to destroy the competition or 2)be a lazy piece of shit....you can guess which one i chose, although i'm not heart broken about not getting into Columbia(hopkins had a better engineering program)
The one thing i will say about hopkins is that it beat the living hell outta me, academically wise. I mean these kids at Brown don't have to uncover grades, they can drop classes it won't show on their record, basically stuff you could never get away with at other top schools. i'm willing to bet about half of my first born that if you dropped a group of average students from Brown and put them into hopkins they'd start to get shitted on, and if you did the same for hopkins kids and put 'em in Brown they'd shine. Brown kids are smart, there is definitely genius around here, i'm not denying that, but i guess thru deduction it would say competition at Hopkins is ridiculous and thus forces you closer to our potential.
anyways enough of my banter...back to the sounds of james holden and the wonderful world of middleware within high peformance computing system for large discrete simulations. <- only useful for a couple things computational biology/bioinformatics and oil,gas, and petroleum exploration...
my new motto:
~yo i'm from UP, we rob people for fun~
UP=uttar pradesh, backwards ass state in India where my family is from
middies day
My current client is basically just a senile old man who wants me to do his bidding...i mean come on if you want me to actually help you, you need to let me.
fuck this, i'm not wasting my time on it.
In other news i need direction, seems like ive said that 20 times atleast on this retarded blog. Sorry for whoever reads this, its not very good, as i do it at work, which you geniuses are capable of figuring out since its got time stamps.
i am listening to Cosmic Gate - live at IDT Radio, not a bad mix, keeps me from taking a nap on the floor next to my desk...well that and the my co-workers who are in the same room as me.
On an interesting note i actually watched the first episode of "everybody hates chris" on google video, must say it kicks ass, both google vdo and everybody hates chris. Chris rock is comic genius....
so so true.
in my quest to rule the world i wouldn't mind creating a crack epidemic throughout the white folk community, like putting it mayonaise or some shit that white folk eat.
sorry my rants aren't even good today...i'm garbage
peacE i must continue working for the man
deli on the Square
"We confess our little faults to persuade people that we have no large ones."
- Francois de la Rochefoucauld
How true is that? i mean it is blatantly logical, but what isn't?? perhaps that is why i get angry reading psychology and business, it's all logic which some moron has giftwrapped in words and poof, they're a genius. I guess thats also the american dream to some extent, do hardly anything or notice something small, and make it big. anyways back to reality, i am getting terminated from my apartment once my lease is over, we will try to find out if we can leave early and move to another location, which would be sick. Other than that 2.0 may be sort of phonical in the sense of caucusbloximus, its weird can't really explain the vibe. Worked on www.vinaythakur.com some more last night, figured out how to get the buttons working along with having a nice lil blurring graphic for a button. I will prolly update it once a week, that seems the most logical.
lyrics of the day:
Ayo my quality control, captivates your party patrol
Your mind, body, and soul
For whom the bell tolls, let the rhythm explode
Big, bad, and bold b-boys of old
Many styles we hold, let the story be told
Whether platinum or gold, we use breath control
So let the beat unfold, intro on drum roll
- Jurrassic 5
case of the Mundaise
It is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatsoever for supposing it is true.
- Bertand Russel
I need to start developing a goal in my life, i am currently trying to take on too many projects, all of which are being done half-ass. This is completely futile since i am not really accomplishing anything what so ever. This week my goal is to make a list of feasible projects, ones which can be done. Mainly the largest is going to be get my act together, i figured out my correlation with despondency has everything to do with my lifestyle. Basically i was on the right track before i left for india. I need to start eating healthier and excercising regularly, the major benefits, endorphins! Also intellectual stimulation is a must, i haven't been challenged since college, i need to keep learning! this is doable thru reading and also projects...
gotta figure it out...we ain't kids no mo'
Fridizzle - cont.
I didn't go to boarding schools
Preppie girls never looked at me
Why should they?
I ain't nobody
Got nothing in my pocketBeverly Hills
That's where I want to be
Livin' in Beverly Hills
Beverly Hills
Rolling like a celebrity
Livin' in Beverly Hills
in other news...romp.com is gone, no more Jake or Booty Call, i will be finding the links and putting them on www.vinaythakur.com.
"It is the nature of all greatness not to be exact."- Edmund Burke
Thank god it is finally friday.... basically the adult version of the bell we used to have in high school. I have plenty of bullshiting to do today, along with random work. Also we had to dress up as some state rep. is stoppin by. Hopefully this weekend will be a blast, i'm thinking i will be heading to nyc either tonite or tommorrow, however i have failed to make plans like always... i'm just a lazy sack of shit.
On a side note i actually excercised yesterday...almost died, jumping back into running with a couple of triatheletes isn't exactly the best idea.
NEED TO LEAVE PROVIDENCE... It sucks complete ass... all the Brown kids really love it, maybe there is somethin i haven't discovered yet? perhaps hugging the trees makes you love this city
Damn Son
definitely my motto of today
the salutation from an email from my father:
"Dear Young and Naive son, best of luck!"
gotta love that guy, tis true tho...
On a side note, i've made some head way with Project NativeIndian... i hope to god it works, also i've been getting hit by the kyrptonite...goddamn, i'm such a bitch...
interesting enough, www.vinaythakur.com is doing well, learned some nifty little tricks for flash, my goal is just to get the buttons working in a functional manner. get some minor animations to work well.
on a side note i did a lot of fake work yesterday, aka looking up stuff.... SquidLAbs got some more publicity! w00t i hope i can grab a job there
interestingly enough providence is a shitty little town, all the Brown people i talk to love it... ME well i just think its garbage, maybe cause i don't know anyone here other than headz from CT.
time to get back to my cube monkey status
I'm a travellin man
- mos def
The mighty mos said it well. so i finally have made plans to make it out to the windy city and then a lil south from there. Travel itenarary for the next two months.
DC - gotta party in dupont circle with my boy before he loses his fabulous apartment
Chi-town - visit the fam. also figure out how MC CoCopuffs will become rich
St. Louis - wine-tasting party along with other debaucheries
Dallas - perhaps????
Tennessee - visit the old roomate perhaps??
NExt year -
PARIS this time for real fun, watch a lil french open, Champs-Elysees in the evening, beautiful babies everywhere...oddly it will prolly be like my adventure to paris last time, where the only hot girl i met was from SoCal...
Outside of this Project NativeIndian is in full swing, i am coercing my lil cous into getting into the action, bringing in the younger crowd. also maybe something like this will help his dumbass get into a good college!!!
i'm out i actually have real work today...yea opposed to that fake work i do
Its the age old scientist who created the new garbage bag which can never be torn...its great, people love it, oh it costs 20 bucks a bag....well i guess there may be some military people interested....but, oh fuck it...its garbage, come up with something better.
its easy to stand on the sidelines and laugh at someone else's invention....but hey thats my job
On a side note, the website is slowly slowly improving. Adding a little bit of content. Still working on developing my flash skills a little bit more. Maybe a nice little intro or something
Planning on going to NYC this weekend, should be great fun.
project NativeIndianS
In other neus, my GuD eyedea is being put into effect... I talked with my long time partner in crime la femme, and we're moving forward with it. The goal is by the end of the week is to have the questions we want to ask be completed. This will undoubtedly be the hardest part of the job at first, later on will be getting the various demographics we want and finally aggregating the data as to notice interesting trends.
As you know my background isn't in psychology, but i feel its a fairly logical science, being a person i imagine i will be able to extrapolate the important aspects.
like ol dirty said.... I LIKE IT RAW
thats the goal of project NativeIndianS
this is going to be fabulous
Phatty J
- Josh Billings
Well my life is improving, i was just tasked to do some REAL work. No shit... Anyways i actually met some people from Brown who aren't losers! although i think they have no idea who they are about to mixed up with...hahah
my life is improving in leaps and bounds...
current reading: shalimar the clown - salman rushdie
current music: weezer - beverly hills
Finally a guD ideA
what is a neccessitty to getting a job... a network
Indians do it well. We all have such mental issues its hilarious, there will be a market for psychologist which specialize in a condition of 'abcd'.
HERE the idea, basically, set up 10 very very specific questions which we then ask all all first generations indian americans to answer.. I want to aggregate the data, somethigng simple which can show statistical regressions, along with interesting psychologic implications. The idea is to create an interesting documentary or paper on it.
The key difference is this: not focussing on the major parts. I'm talking about asking questions like, when was your first memory of realizing that you hate being different from everyone else? what is the most blatant beating you have?(for what) What drugs do you do?
Its going to be gritty and raw and have character, each of the interviews will also have info on the person and what they do. I think with even a 100 interviews this could be very interesting. Perhaps making it a movie after with real interviews.
Its an eyedea. All of us are fucking engineers, scientists, doctors,and programmers, we know not of these things..... there are very few brave indns out there...
i want to be one...even tho i'm an engineer at heart.
NEU eyedeA
The worst part is the inability to realize why exactly this place is soo fucking depressing, its a quaint small town, i live in a nice apartment and i have a few good friends...the question is whether or not this is happening because of providence of me...nothing is black and white so clearly.
What i am doing, well to improve my overall happiness i have been getting more excercise than the usual...playing tennis, although i've broken another string and now have no usable racket.
NEED TO find a job... i can't fucking stand where i work, the people are okay, i am not learning anything new, and can no longer tolerate going in day after day....the work isn't hard, challenging or anything, i just milk it, and i don't like doing that
FIND A Job vinay...
1) i may try to get a job in nyc as a day trader, there is a lot of potential to make lots of money.
2)must call squidlabs, i have no idea what Saul is doing right now
3)send emails to my hitlist - i.e. ramesh, neil, everyone
4)send emails to my sanfran crew - gotta get the trust fund babies working on my side
I checked out the idea with the magazine, its not going to work really, www.sepiamutiny.com is a dope site which does what i wanted to do. I emailed them in regards to setting up a real magazine, they have no one who can handle doing that or works on it fulltime....the artists/writers who bust their asses at some low wage job all day and then write to their hearts content at home after work in a desperate attempt for someone to appreciate their work...noble
I have no natural ability to write or any disposition to really try to, i do have an uncanny ability of destroying things. This may sound stupid, but i operate on a fuel called spite. I never have excelled in anthing unless someone told me i wouldn't... i mean don't think you can trick me into solving your problems, but if you think you're the shit, i will slap you in your face with your own feces. (very mature vinay, very mature)
Regardless of me going off on a tangent, my gut reaction is that there is an audience for a magazine such as sepia mutiny. now i think the best way to approach them however may simply be to create a strategic partnership with them, such as creating a magazine but using a lot of their content. I mean come on they're all writer want-a-bes, if i publish any of their material, they'll love it. If i give them a little bit of dough, they'll be even happier...they say they're not in it for the money...however how many great things can last without money being involved in some sort of form.
Chutney Sandwich???? perhaps
Laborious Day Weekend
had a productive weekend, discussed a few potential options for the future regarding my employment. I did find something that intriqued me. Online magazines. So i spent a solid amount of time going to different websites at work...because i hate work. To make a long story short i hardly find any good literature on south asian youth, i mean there is lots of garbage on bollywood, desi party, music, nothing with real substance, style or insight. I mean i'm not saying it has to be very serious, just a good portal where you get relevant information without thousands of pop up or martimonial ads. There are a few asian american sites such as yolk, theme and hyphen. They are decent, but don't have any real south asian/indian flava, mostly east asian writers, news, etc. I'm not saying they don't have south asian stuff, just not nearly enough. So the idea is to possibly focus on something for our american south asian community. There are a shit load of cool indians like myself, who are segregated from the 'indian'/desi community because of various reasons. I'm not proposing a method of bridging this, but to some extent. More like gearing something towards them more. Basically a portal with solid writers/good topics with other fun stuff, like music, fashion, etc.
I dunno, but i'm going to find out if desi's like me would be interested in something like this.
TwO weakS
Regardless, I will have a solid amount of time to do web research regarding my next job.
In other news, a former foresight co-worker is visiting this weekend... i don't know why anyone would want to come back to this city...well maybe if you lived in cleveland...haha the midwest sucks.
Anyways need to further investigate the potential for R & D outsourcing, develop a market or atleast figure out how its being done. I am losing focus everyday...its so easy to when there are so many distractions.
the BendS!
"Punctuality is the virtue of the bored."
- Evelyn Waugh
Anyways so back to reality again, i spoke with a former co-worker about my current predicament at work, that it is garbage, everyone excercises the same anger. oh well time to make a hitlist, i go where the money comes.
People say i shouldn't be so bitter or waste my energy, there is a french saying for it, basically saying i'm hotheaded because i am young... anyways
Back to figuring out my future...i want a nice huge fun job, i'm thinking the best route will be hitting up all the bluechip VCs and finding their portfolio companies and hopefully getting in on one of them..
Also maybe go to www.tie.org in boston to see if i can find any prospective companies to do work.
GOTTA COME UP WITH AN IDEA....fucking shit, i need something to do!!
R&D outsourcing, perhaps, will start investigating it.
cheers to PROV, it was fun for a while but i'll be gone in december
Shit hitz the faN
i'll i'm saying is for taking no risk asking 80% equity, no investment, you gotta be a stupid, and if you think that your "IP" which is garbage is worth that much than - fuck you!!!like Pal said, its a shoddy product for a hopeless company. You preach garbage and your so high off the paint fumes that you think the company is turning down money!!!
keep lieing to yourself you dumb bastard.
anyways...back to sanity...i got many bigger projects which can be done, the ideas never cease to come...gotta keep pushing it.
GLAD i figured out where that one was heading as soon as i didn't put too much effort into it. In the end if i fail, maybe this will make for some interesting writing...like 30 years from now, The life of Failed Genius....haha i don't really think i'm genius...just lucky enough
cheers to tommorrow, for i shall be workin hard and dissolving this company in 10 years
for the spite. =0 gosh thats some anger
SpittiN maDD hoT firE
In real neus, i had a great weekend, went to the beach, hung out with old and new friends. Did not devote much time to my business ideas, although a little bit on sunday. I was successfully able to communicate the concept of how to set up a business to one of my friends, who was skeptical in regards to this being a dream or feasible in any sense. The answer is NO its not a dream and YES it is feasible. So here are some of the things i need to study, learn and master.
1)BUSINESS PLAN, you gotta have a biznass plan, otherwise you lose track...clearly this is the most important part and requires a shitload of work and time. there are many garbage business plans on the market and garbage books on the subject, doing this right requires some diligence and learning many new skills.
2)learning the VC cycle, basically how you go from idea to gaining capital from VCs, this is important, specially when wanting to make big money with big ideas..Ideally my dream is to someday end up a VC, might as well start learning how they work and how i can get them to give me some dough
3) BUSINESS ECONOMICS, this entails all the Corporate Finance, and corporate budgeting involved with a company. Micro and macro are also a plus. Gotta learn all the basics for this, no matter what, econ is for idiots, primarily cause its not difficult and was written by idiots, but it's the language of business to some extent. Mastery of business econoomics is essentential and not really that difficult... you gotta be able to think on your feet when talking to VCs, you gotta know a way to create a new solution...mastery is key.
4)DEALMAKING- becoming a rainmaker is a dream, yet it all stems from the art of deal making and negotiation... we had a 3 hr seminar at work on this on friday, it is quite intriguing. This i feel may be one of the MOST difficult things to master, and take years and years of experience.
I think expanding my busines skillZ is necessary in order to be functional, i am 23 years old, if i can maintain a high level of discipline, i WILL be a master.... BUDDHA PALM BITCHES...
Regardless, if i have to do it all myself its all good...why cause then i'll have control over what i want to do. Also no one can claim ownership to the idea. I guess no one is willing to put in work unless they are paid or there is some sort of incentive...lazy bastards...i am the same way, the only reason i do it now, i would likely say is cause i do it at work, cause i'm bored as HELL
these restless days
gOOgle GroupZ
With participation this WILL work.
slippin + gud neus
- Oscar Wilde
This maybe the slogan for the company, i want to spur people to develop newer methodologies for performing services...Enough vinay..i think we know what the goal is....like you were saying before follow through is what matters.
Slippin- i've been hit with the kryptonite yesterday, talked a little about potential projects, however ended up watching reruns of fresh prince of belair, although i did fall asleep at 11 pm which is good since i haven't been sleeping enough in the past 5 days. The one good piece of news is my bluetooth headset will be in so i can make phone calls from around my room opposed to having to hold that bloody radiation to the side of my head.
did some research on setting up deals and licensing, should say i actually just found some good books on the area. On the same page i am expanding my abilities to cover marketing, and concurrently i need to learn all the basics for financials. Ideally this coming week i will be able to meet with some people and get a lot of this material for free or loaned to me. The most crucial i feel is the deal making, and perhaps some negotiation type books, although a course on negotiation would be most beneficial.
This is ambitious as hell...but if i don't try now i never will...regret is an awful thing, especially in old age.
itZ wEdNezDay
Now whats important, i did some research on my frost and sullivan account regarding BPO and R&D outsourcing, There appears to possibly be some potential still with pharma reserach, however it would be from the lower tiers. One of the reports outlines some of the fundamental differences between India and China and where they are going in the future. Interesting enough. I would also venture off to say that big pharma has set up research facilities at all the recognized universities, IISC, IIT, etc. What may be potentially out there is the ability to create a research facility which is invested in by a group of small pharma/biotech companies. I don't konw the feasibility but if a 20 million dollar facility is set up by Ranbaxy, then why not pool 5 companies with 4 million in investment capabililtes to capitalize on the same intelligence. The logistics of this seem fairly extreme...its an idea, will be forwarding it to the whole group. Seems highly improbable, but nothing is impossible. Besides i think the goal is to eventually become the Wipro or Infosys but for everything they don't do...
On a side note, i was entertained with the possibility of working on a new project, very interesting, anywone have super programming skills because there is a possibility for big money.
ThinKTank GO!
Sharp 12:25 am, the first email for a thinktank/knowledge building group went out.
Currently there are only 5 member in the group, 2.5 indians (.5 white), 1 Sloan guy and 1 Brown guy. I honestly think that the group has some solid potential of coming up with lucrative markets eventually for a successful business model.
Anyone who is reading this and would be interesting to add feedback, has insight or is genuinely interested, let me know and perhaps I will put you on the list.
Either way based on the feedback, their participation, I will try and determine who is really interested and is willing to invest their time into the project. I have found in general that there are a number of lazy people who think ideas are great, have money to invest, but you need to hold their hand the entire time. They are weak and lazy and have to be motivated constantly to produce anything of substance or quality. These are the most annoying of colleagues as they add no-value to the group, unless they are ALL the money. The lack of initiative and motivation kills me. In my experience they entangle themselves in to the point where it’s not worth the effort to get them out. They actually detract value from the company as they suck other people’s time and effort.
Not to start on a bad foot, but that’s the one thing I learned from my previous project, personnel is extremely important, finding reliable colleagues. Either way I anticipate this thinktank group to grow to around 15 in a month or so, however I envision roughly 4 or 5 people to be part of the final group which I want to put together. I am almost for certain of one potential partner as I have worked with him on a previous project and he has a very sound business mind along with the ability to follow through.
I have been thinking of the type of team however which is needed for this situation. A profile of the type of people needed. I am thinking that group of young people (3) with 2 senior advisors would be acceptable. The young people I feel ideally will be capable of doing 95% of the leg work and invest a lot of time and effort into the ideas, this will entail doing the core research. I think kids my age are ideal as we have some business experience, a thirst for money and real business action, and most importantly no dependants. No one is counting on us to bring home the bread, so this allows us for higher risk and reward type projects. This is the only time in our lives we will be given this type of opportunity as in 6 years half of us will be married or locked into some high paying job, difficult to get out of. The two senior advisors I envision will 1) listen to us young people and accept that we have a different thought process than them 2) guide us along with provide support via social/business networks and potentially bring in investment capital.
Whether or not this actually makes sense, I do not know, I do however feel that to start a company with a developed business deal for outsourcing will not require a significant amount of capital. A sound idea with a large market will allow to be started with as low as $200,000 capital and ideally will have high growth during the build up phase. I know its all a dream, but it is possible.
Determination, sincerity and hardwork rarely fail people.
- Michael Crichton
I like this quote. Always been a fan of Crichton, well a lot more in 5th grade.
As I am American I have adopted a sense of entitlement and laziness not found anywhere else in the world, I never noticed the extent of this until my trip this summer to India. The crucial factor to me is not just recognizing this factor, but adjusting accordingly in order to leverage the resources and capabilities at our disposal to survive in the future.
I have just finished reading the book “The world is flat” by Thomas Friedman and it’s a wonderful account of the economics of the late nineties to now, it has an emphasis on India and China and the practices which are growing their economies at such a rapid rate.
Being a first generation India, I am the spawn of the first wave of exported genius, this engraves a number of horrific problems (we’re often called ABCDs, American born confused desis) socialization within a new society, being the pioneers for a new group of people in this country (I grew up in a upper middle class suburban town in Connecticut, that equates to about 12 people of color out of 800 students, 3 being black, 3 being asian, and 6 being of Hispanic origin).
However with these problems however I was also instilled with a number of extremely beneficial attributes, 1) I have a relatively strong innate learning and brain capabilities, my parents are very very smart and were part of a small group of highly elite Indians who made it over in the sixties 2) my parents work ethic, similar to many in India is extremely high, although I am lazy and was never forced to work hard as I was born into this beautiful land of opportunity called America, I know the discipline that is needed to be successful and know when the time comes I will be capable of performing that way, as I have had to in the past, primarily at Hopkins where natural raw talent will NOT let you graduate.
3) Most importantly, opportunity within India. The fact that I look Indian gives me an added advantage when trying to develop business opportunities in India, an advantage which white America doesn’t have but has been imposing on the rest of the world since the dawn of their insecurity (perhaps stems from their pencil thin, pasty white complexions) creating their imperialistic nature. Don’t worry white boy I don’t hate you, but I will take your job, and the rest of your families
I have set a number of goals which I ideally want to achieve:
1) Develop a business which has three main objectives:
- a) makes me financially independent, I don’t want to be greedy, send my kids to college, some nice things, allow me to pursue my hobbies and interests such as snowboarding, scuba diving, lying on a beach, making a Bollywood movie!(not very expensive compared to American cinema, on the order of $600k), etc.
- b) Create opportunity for people who have don’t, without capitalizing on their efforts, this is however directly aimed at people in India, people who have drive, ambition and intelligence…I’m not trying to be biased, there are a lot of lazy ass Indians in India, but there a lot of intelligent hard working people who have very difficult lives, whom if born in the circumstances I was, would be quite capable of being highly successful.
- c) Shift the balance of power within the world, As the world is flat in this day in age of business, I want to see power being shifted from entitled Americans to people who deserve a chance of being successful, this means, Chinese, Indians, Africans, everyone who works hard but has the odds against them a 1000 fold.
2) Live well, be happy, healthy and constantly expanding my education and boundaries of thought, science and arts.
3) Be philanthropic. In my arrogant, self-entitled American mindset I have realized during this trip, that helping others is probably the most rewarding job in the world; something I haven’t really experienced, but imagine is quite fulfilling.
The Future of SanitY
There however is a solution and that is to take your new found earnings and move to South Africa
That is my plan…
Will divulge more information as more is learned… this is now becoming a milestone guide and account of how I’m tackling my new found ambition to become financially independent and pursue things which are worthwhile in life
In a crude context this means, entrepreneurship and eventually a successful business, but it also entails state of mind, perception and vision for the future. The way I see it there are a lot of ways to make money, but being happy is far different and almost never go hand-in-hand.
Pertinent information regarding me and my current status:
Graduated: 2004 , Johns Hopkins - B.S.Computer Engineering
Current job: business consultant within technology commercialization
Basically entails assessing technologies and determining strategies to bring these technologies to market…making money on them
Start: aug 2004
Company: Foresight Science & Technology,
Providence, RI